FOOTWEAR & LOOPS – No slipping or sliding! Pilates is practiced barefoot or with grip socks. At Vero Pilates we require that you either wear grip socks, or that you bring in your own set of loops to use barefoot because hygiene is very important to us! Our studio carries both grip socks and loops for purchase. You can also easily find these with a quick online search.
CLOTHING – How baggy is too baggy? We want you to be comfortable to move in all sorts of directions and angles, so we recommend soft workout clothing that is not too baggy or loose. During your session we will be observing your movement and looking for clues about your body’s alignment patterns. Clothing that is too baggy may hinder us from seeing everything we need to see. Loose clothing may also have the added risk of getting caught in rails or springs!
FOR THE GENTS – Please note this important information We ask that men please either wear sweatpants, or if you choose to wear shorts, that you make sure to wear a pair of cycle shorts underneath.
JEWELLRY – Hold the ‘danglies’ Following the idea of clothing getting caught, we also ask that you not wear dangling earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or sharp edged rings. Necklace chains are notorious for getting caught in reformer headrests and sharp edged rings have been known to pierce through the vinyl coverings on the equipment. Please note that at Vero Pilates we provide individual cubbies for you to store personal items during your visit.
PERMFUMES & DEODERANTS – Showing thoughtfulness Finally, we ask that clients refrain from wearing strong smelling perfumes or deodorants as these can cause discomfort and allergic reactions to others.
Vero Pilates has a centralized air conditioning system, so no matter the time of year you will find the temperature comfortable for working out.